Saturday, March 21, 2009

Some more pictures of our life in Have

Having the power reconnected at the library has been a boon for my photo editing, but as I've yet to decide exactly how to post all of my photos, another small taste will have to do for now. When I get some more properly loaded (somewhere other than here), I'll look forward to directing you there. Until then...

The haircut and the beard.

Children marching on Independence Day.

A regiment of older girls.

My friend Roselyn who visits me at the library, and a box of the cakes and meat pies she sells in town.

A view from the back of a tro-tro.

Another sunset at the farm.

Sam, when he still recognized himself.

Some fetching palms.

Leafy greens at the farm.

Where road rules are few, "Jesus Saves".

A view from a restaurant in Ho.

An early breakfast of "grits", which was even more awful than it looks.

Miscellaneous flora.

Paul's bike gets a cleaning at the Washing Station.

Sam and Anne at the base of Afadjato (actually trying to instruct our taxi driver in the use of the camera, but there you have it).

1 comment:

  1. You both look so cool...yet I know the temperatures are crazy. The light appears so different...yet I know you're on the same planet. Amazing photos Anne! Thank you.
