Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Is this thing still on?

Oh hello there stranger,

I'm sorry, I didn't realize anyone else was here.  I just came by to drop off a few things, see if the switches still worked.  Not in bad shape though, eh?  Just a few cobwebs here and there.

Well, welcome back.  As you can see ready-to-where has undergone a little transformation.  So, after much ado and a very extended break I suppose I'm now pleased to let you know that I'm relaunching this site (there, relaunched!) as a place for photos and stories about adventure and travel.  With lots more to tell and explore, I hope you'll join me in this next little phase of my creative life.

To start things off on the right foot (that's the productive one - the left is very silly) I've decided to take on a Completion Project of my own, inspired by the lovely Christine (of adventures recent).  That is, before I've entirely outpaced my hard drive space with everything ever-new, it only seems fair that some of the old stuff should get to see the digital developing room.  And so starting today I do hereby swear to post one photo every day for the month of November.  Then we'll see where that gets us, eh?

I look forward to seeing you soon!



  1. Congrats on your wedding! Are you on a honeymoon?

  2. Thank you! Not yet. But I'm pleased to report that we have something in the works for May. :)
